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投稿人:女一阁 2024-02-25 09:41:56

Snake's desire for strategy and cunning.However, the Snake is controlled by the Pig.The Pig's nvety and trust may cause the Snake to feel manipulated.











【"Shengxiao" and the Cycle of Creation and Control】

In Chinese astrology, each individual is believed to be born under a specific "shengxiao" or zodiac sign, which is determined by the year of their birth.There are twelve animal signs in total, namely the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.According to traditional beliefs, each zodiac sign has a unique relationship with the others, characterized by a cycle of creation and control.

The cycle of creation suggests that certn zodiac signs have a beneficial relationship with others, while the cycle of control signifies conflicting or challenging dynamics.Let's delve into these connections.

1.Rat:The Rat is known to create a beneficial relationship with the Ox.The Ox provides stability and resources to the Rat, while the Rat offers cleverness and resourcefulness to the Ox.Conversely, the Rat is controlled by the Horse.The Horse challenges the Rat's ability to adapt due to its dynamic and impulsive nature.

2.Ox:The Ox's creation relationship lies with the Rat.As mentioned earlier, the Rat brings intelligence and flexibility to complement the Ox's perseverance and reliability.The Ox is controlled by the Sheep.The Sheep's passive nature may inhibit the Ox's progress, as it prefers a more relaxed pace of life.

3.Tiger:The Tiger is in a mutual creation cycle with the Pig.The Pig appreciates the Tiger's power and authority, while the Tiger admires the Pig's generosity and compassion.Its control relationship is with the Monkey.The Monkey's intelligence can outwit the Tiger, making it challenging for the Tiger to mntn dominance.

4.Rabbit:The Rabbit creates a harmonious partnership with the Dog.The Dog's loyalty and protection resonate with the Rabbit's adaptability and sensitivity.However, the Rabbit is controlled by the Rooster.The Rooster's open and dominant personality may overshadow the Rabbit's more introverted nature.

5.Dragon:The Dragon creates a favorable relationship with the Rooster.The Rooster admires the Dragon's power and leadership qualities, while the Dragon appreciates the Rooster's attention to detl.The Dragon's control relationship lies with the Dog.The Dog's honesty may challenge the Dragon's unrestrned and flamboyant nature.

6.Snake:The Snake is in a creative relationship with the Monkey.The Monkey's wit and intelligence cater to the Snake's strategic thinking and intuition.However, the Snake is controlled by the Pig, as the Pig may hinder the Snake's desire for privacy and secrecy.

7.Horse:The Horse finds a mutually beneficial connection with the Sheep.The Sheep's gentle and calming nature provides comfort to the Horse's energetic spirit.Yet, the Horse is controlled by the Rat.The Rat's ability to adapt may cause unease for the Horse, whose impulsive actions can sometimes clash with the Rat's cautious nature.

8.Sheep:The Sheep's creation relationship lies with the Horse, as mentioned earlier, while its control relationship resides with the Ox.The Ox's dominant presence may impede the Sheep's desire for a more peaceful and solitary life.


9.Monkey:The Monkey's creation relationship is with the Snake, as the Snake's ability to strategize complements the Monkey's wit and cleverness.The Monkey is controlled by the Tiger.The Tiger's strength can overpower the Monkey, challenging its agility and adaptability.

10.Rooster:The Rooster's mutually beneficial connection lies with the Dragon, as mentioned earlier, while its control relationship is with the Rabbit.The Rabbit's more introverted nature may unsettle the Rooster's desire for attention and recognition.

11.Dog:The Dog's creation relationship is with the Rabbit, as their ability to adapt and empathize complement each other.The Dog is controlled by the Dragon.The Dragon's dominance may pose challenges for the Dog's grounded and loyal nature.

12.Pig:Lastly, the Pig's creation relationship is with the Tiger, and as discussed earlier, its control relationship is with the Snake.The Pig's innate generosity and compassion resonate with the Tiger, while the Snake's desire for secrecy may conflict with the Pig's honest and open nature.

Understanding the cycle of creation and control among the twelve zodiac signs can provide insights into the dynamics between individuals.While these relationships may not apply universally, they offer a fascinating lens through which we can observe and analyze human interactions.


















